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Invasives Raspberry/Guava/Albizia/etc.

Himalayan Raspberry Thorns
Himalayan Raspberry
Albizia Removal Invasive Native Forest
Strawberry Guava




Invasives have degraded Hawaii for the past few centuries due to spreading unchecked, disturbance and spread from wild pigs etc. Invasive weeds such as strawberry guava, himalayan raspberry, fiya, guinea grass, palm grass, any many more have taken over and continue to spread, these are disastrous without prevention and control.​














Respond to individual reports and eradicate plants in new areas.

Control guava and limit its spread into higher elevations.

Educate residents about himalayan raspberry in areas without it and remove it when possible.


Learn More:

You can learn more about our invasive improvement projects on the About page in the"our communities" section.

Little Fire Ant
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